Second report Electoral Observation Mission MOE – Elections to the Presidency of the Republic. First round
May 29, 2022

Bogotá, May 29, 2022. The Electoral Observation Mission – MOE of the civil society of  Colombia, delivers to the authorities, the press, organizations and interested citizens,  the second observation report, corresponding to the closing of the electoral day of the  elections for the Presidency of the Republic. This report includes the reports of the 

3,539 national and international electoral observers in 467 municipalities of the  country, which correspond to 80.2% of the electoral potential. The observation team is  made up of 56% women (1,971), 43% men (1,535) and 1% (33) non-binary people. 

MOE has deployed 408 international observers from 30 countries, 218 observers in  Colombia: 164 in Bogotá and 54 in 16 municipalities in 14 states. Likewise, abroad, 190  observers were deployed in 46 consulates of 19 countries, 8 of them in Europe,  including Turkey, 10 in Latin America and the United States. 

MOE´s observation is an exercise aimed at observing different and multiple obstacles  faced by the population with disabilities. For this purpose, MOE had a team of 73  observers with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities. Likewise, there were 56  trans people who observed the Trans Protocol. This observation group is composed  of 2 agender, 16 trans men, 18 trans women and 20 non-binary people. 

This report collects what was observed from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm. Likewise, MOE has  communicated with 6 (six) campaigns that are participating in these elections. Their  reports of irregularities have been included in this report.

 Among the highlights are:


The Electoral Observation Mission – MOE has made available to citizens the platform and the WhatsApp line 315 266 19 69 to report any  type of irregularity or electoral crime. 

Through these channels MOE has received between 12:01 am and 3:30 pm on May  29 a total of 322 reports on possible irregularities and electoral crimes in the following  way: 

The other campaigns corresponding to the Movimiento Salvación Nacional, Equipo por  Colombia, Coalición Centro Esperanza and Liga de Gobernantes Anticorrupción, did  not report news about electoral irregularities. For its part, the Colombia Justa Libres campaign and the Pacto Histórico reported that despite the efforts of the National  Civil Registration Office, their problems of accreditation of electoral witnesses  both in polling stations and the scrutiny process continue.  

Irregularities affecting the freedom to vote 

Citizens have reported a total of 72 irregularities that may have affected the  freedom to exercise the right to vote in 16 departments and the city of Bogotá.  Most of these reports have been recorded in: Bogotá (14 reports), Antioquia (11  reports), Valle del Cauca (8 reports), Bolívar (7 reports) and Cesar (6 reports). 

In this type of irregularities, one of the most reported behaviors has been vote buying with 32 reports. Both through the direct delivery of cash, food, or other goods to  places near polling stations and the movement of people to polling stations have been  reported. These facts have been presented mainly in Bolívar (5 reports), in addition to  Antioquia, Atlántico and Bogotá (each with 4 reports). 

Another of the behaviors reported has been the constraint on the voter with 25  reports. These pressures and threats have occurred in the workplace with the aim of  voting in a certain direction, in addition to some cases in which there are limitations or  restrictions on the possibility of going out to vote by employers. These pressures have  also been exerted by public servants in relation to contractors and other public servants.

Finally, MOE has received 16 reports according to which voters have approached  to exercise their right to vote, but at the time of starting the entire voting process they realize that another person has voted for them. 

Irregularities in biometric identification 

Citizens have reported failures in the biometric identification process installed at  the polling stations, the above from inconsistencies between the validation of  the voter’s fingerprint and the information registered in the biometric machine.  On this subject 12 reports were received. 

Irregularities in advertising and media 

During election day, 65 reports were received of irregularities in advertising and the  media. Virtually all reports refer to the display or delivery of advertising during  election day. 

Problems with the electoral census  

There were 17 reports related to problems in the electoral census. These correspond to  situations where voters go to their polling station and find that they are not  registered in the voter registration list. People in this situation claim that they did not  make any changes of their voting station, and that they had already exercised their right  to vote in the same polling station in past elections. 

Irregularities in the guarantee of the vote of people with disabilities 

We received 9 reports on difficulties in the exercise of the right to vote by people with  disabilities, accounting for the lack of accessibility of voting stations. In all cases,  people with physical disabilities required the intervention of officials of the National Civil  Registration Office, and special measures to be able to exercise their right to vote,  because the polling stations had stairs and other types of physical barriers that prevented their autonomous mobility.


As a result of the climatic effects during the election day, three (3) polling stations were  moved. 

  • The posts of Saunde Curay and Tabacal, Tumaco, were moved by heavy rains.
  • The polling station of La Vorágine, Arauquita, Arauca was also moved due to  climatic effects. 

 More information

Mónica Acosta López, communications coordinator. 312 320 37 79



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