Institutional Brochure of the Electoral Observation Mission – English version
Ene 1, 2024

The Electoral Observation Mission (MOE) is a civil society platform in Colombia, independent of the government, political parties, and private interests. It promotes the fulfillment of the right of all individuals to participate
in the formation, exercise, and oversight of political power.

In addition to being recognized as a multicultural organization, MOE is explicit in its deep conviction to defend the political rights of historically excluded populations, such as women, ethnic groups, the LGBTIQ+ community, people with disabilities, among others.

Since its creation in 2006, MOE has been actively involved in promoting civil and political rights and developing reforms aimed at expanding democracy and strengthening the capacities of electoral institutions.

Today, we are a platform that brings together more than 500 civil society organizations, contributing to the country’s democratic capital.



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